Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Judas Iscariot: Faith Personified

If you have not read my post “Killing Jesus” please read or re-read that before this to help set the stage for this post.

Between February and March 2020 church doors (physical doors) slammed shut out of fear. I was angry, if you were within earshot of me (I am loud so let’s say 3,000 mile radius) you know my anger. Why was I so upset? For years, if not all my life, I believed and still believe the church is not a building, but people. I was angry because the church building is a “symbol” to those that need it the most, it is a haven, it is a sanctuary. I believe the show of fear (in this country where we have the right to keep the doors open) is showing the weakness that has engulfed our church. Yes weakness, the church is weaker than ever… and that is sad (good time to read my “violating children” post for context).

Now my prayer is that the physical church doors stay closed forever! Why did denominations form? I guarantee (and have both actual and experiential facts to support) it is to divide NOT to bring together the church. Why do political parties exist? Same reason (I should not have to show you proof of that …hello all they do is fight with each other not for the people they serve…). If the whole point of the Bible, Jesus’ death and resurrection, and Jesus’ time on Earth teaching is to draw people to Christ for the salvation of their soul and for life… then that is all that matters. I like hard rock and I like rap (hip/hop), artists in these categories generally share their own struggles and life experiences through their music. This morning on my wun (no that is not a misspelling that is a Walk Run), I was listening to Pyrexx …wow he has a past! And wow He Loves Christ. That got me thinking about the story he was sharing through his music (his post conversion stuff I would not recommend the pre-conversion music!). He met Christ in a Prison. Brian Welch “Brian Head” met Christ in a hotel room. Paul of the Bible on a road. The disciples all over the place… but the common theme is none of them met Christ in a Church building! Hum.

Joshua, why are you talking about the church if you title your post “Judas in Heaven”… Glad you asked. Because, I have been awaken. I am going to be the leader my wife and my mom yelled at me to be and it is time to get rid of “laypeople” and “clergy” it is time to have Christians who are answering the call of Christ. Jesus said if you are going to be My family you have to do four things: “Love me your God with all your heart and mind” “Love your Neighbor as yourself” “Accept Me as your Savior” and “GO”. In the modern church as we know it, before the doors slammed, I believe the fight was to get people to “come” and if I was going to share what I am below, I might be told to “get out” if what I say or how I say it does not align with the “denomination” at the establishment I shared it at, it might offend “historical Church beliefs” it might be accepted only because it does “fit” what that particular church does believe but not because people actually take it to heart. So I am going to lead by taking my faith and “Going” I believe we need to keep Church doors closed and start opening hearts with real conversation, with real people, where they are at (both physically at and “at” in their faith or lack of). More to come on this topic and how the Church should get back to the roots Jesus laid… now why do I believe that Judas Iscariot is in Heaven celebrating with our Savior?!

Jesus said that all things are possible, through Him. Without contradiction He also made it VERY clear one thing is impossible and in fact should never be done by a human. That thing is judging another person’s heart. Without contradiction because all things are possible THROUGH HIM, many things are impossible for humans. It is impossible for anyone to fully know another person’s heart. Yes there are glimpses we get of each other’s heart and we can “share” what is on our heart but the complexity of our heart and our faith is often difficult for us to fully articulate and for us to really share and for the hearer to fully understand. Jesus (God) is the only one who fully knows our hearts.

I believe that anything someone learns about Jesus or Christianity should be internalized, thought about, prayed about, and communicated to God to see if what is said aligns with your heart, your relationship with Christ, and might need to lead to changes in your life. It is not for others to do that for you or demand of you… not even Jesus demands us to change, He presents His Love in many ways then it our choice alone to follow Him or not. I share my beliefs, they don’t have to be yours… you share yours… and then let’s decide for ourselves where we land and what actions or inactions those beliefs lead to.

Judas Iscariot: “The Betrayer”. Betrayer can mean untrustworthy, traitor, double crosser, or false friend. But betrayer has also been simply defined as someone who gives up confidential information for money. Jesus said at the last supper that “One of you will betray me”, He told Judas “go do what you need to do”. Then in the Garden after praying Jesus said “here comes my betrayer.” The same Jesus that called Peter “Satan”, literally called him the Devil! Look at Matthew 16, Jesus questions Peter about who He thinks He is… Peter says Christ the Son of the Living God. Jesus says “awesome, I know you said that (remember Jesus knows the heart) because you believe it not because you were “convinced” or “brainwashed” by man”. Then Jesus foretells His death and at this point Peter should know that death is not the end and that Jesus has the power over death…and that Jesus has to die so we can all live. Peter “forbids” Jesus to do this, at this point Jesus says “get behind me Satan (Peter).” So why is Judas Iscariot labeled the “betrayer” and Peter not labeled the “unbeliever”…. The same Peter that denied Christ and fled. I believe it is because we as humans have a heart of judging and we pick the evidence we like and don’t like and use it in ways only God should. We judge acts as being the completeness of a person’s heart. Now there are BAD, EVIL, and HURTFUL acts and those acts do deserve punishment at times but not condemning of the heart, by us at least. I think that the church has become “soft on sin” again my post “Violating Children” addresses that concern of softness. The softness is not calling out sin as sin, not the judgement of the sin. It is the fear of human judgement that likely keeps many out of church buildings and I don’t blame them.

The Church would put Judas in Hell and Peter in Heaven in all likeliness. Even the authors of our Bible seemed to have thoughts along that line by labeling Judas. Think about the story, remember it is shared by those that felt “betrayed” and maybe even lacked faith if only for a moment like Peter. In other words the Bible and the story of Judas is written from Human Perspectives and yes sometimes human judgement.

In my post “killing Jesus” I ask, would you be willing to kill Jesus? Literally put a knife in your hand, walk Him up a hill, and drive the knife through His heart… not for His punishment, but yours! Think about that… no not “Sunday School” think about it but really think about it! I would. MURDER!! No I am not a murder I am a believer, I trust what Jesus said, WHO He is, and that He RULES… and would RAISE from the dead… as He has been saying He would. Abraham would have too, and He proved it with Isaac. Judas would too, I believe. Jesus had to die. He wanted “His chosen people” the Jews, to make the sacrifice in a show of belief in His forgiveness, power, and Love. The Jews were chosen to bring Jesus’ message of salvation to the rest of the world, the Jews of the time (those in leadership at least) seemed to think they were chosen to be superior over the Gentiles (all other people).

Judas did what no other Jew would do, he killed Jesus. That decision could have been more of an act of faith than many others in the Bible. Yes Judas took money for that act but he was the treasurer of the group, HE IS THE MONEY GUY! Judas threw the money back at those that gave it to him. I don’t think that was an act of regret for what he did as much as regret for taking money to do it. Our pastors, ministers, and others who are employed by churches take money to share faith, why is it so wrong for Judas?

Then Judas hanged himself. I cannot imagine the pain he was going through, again not for what could have been the biggest act of faith ever… but for what was going through his mind about how HUMANS, JEWS, CHRISTIANS would treat him, possibly torture him too. Jesus is quoted by Luke saying “woe to that man by whom He is betrayed” … He being Jesus. Woe means great sorrow or distress. Most Christians do not act on their faith out of fear of Human Judgement, mocking, and so on… not God’s reward for acting in faith. To this point Jesus could have known that the “act of faith” that Judas was going to act on would bring him great sorrow from HUMANS! And Judas still acted, only later to have the weight of want is to come from humans judging him be too overwhelming. It is not our place to know Judas’ heart. Murder is a sin, even your own… but ALL SIN IS FORGIVABLE and ACTS (EVEN SINS) DO NOT FULLY SHOW THE HEART. Jesus knows Judas’ heart. I see Judas as very faithful very much in love with Jesus and very much a believer in His power over and through death!

That is what saddens me about what I saw in the church for slamming doors shut. From my perspective that was an outward sign of lack in faith of Jesus’ power, like Peter’s response. The doors shut to keep people “from dying” (not possible). My point was okay but if those in the church are the “saved” then what does it matter if we die, we all will eventually. Again, just my perspective. I am not judging but I am asking for anyone who reads this to think about it, search your heart. It is time to slam the church physical doors and open the church’s heart, help others open their heart, and share the love, power, and salvation only found in Jesus. If you do that and help others do that, there IS NOTHING TO FEAR… NOT EVEN DEATH!


Sunday, April 27, 2014

Killing Jesus

Killing Jesus
Today I was out for a ride on my mountain bike. I use this time to get exercise and have some quite time. Ironically I listen to loud music but that is what I consider quite time, I can explain when someone has an hour or so. One of the songs I was listening to by “In the mist of lions” a great Christian screamer band, mentioned the famous phrase uttered by Jesus as he died on the Cross, “forgive them for they know not what they do (what they are doing)” (Luke 23:34 NASB).
I began to think about the meaning of this verse. Thinking back to many sermons I have heard on the subject most attribute Jesus’ comment to the men casting lots for his clothes, to us as sinners, to the ones who put him on the cross, or ultimately to the fact he was dying on the cross at the hands of man. The most common meaning is said to be Jesus was talking about the ones who killed him that they know not what they do and then it is applied to us as Christians. As I thought about the meaning I realized that it could not be meant for us as Christians, it could only be meant for people who wanted Jesus dead who were not believers or for people who did not wish Jesus dead at all.
Because as Christians Jesus had to die, without his death and resurrection we have nothing to be hopeful or grateful for, because it is by his death and resurrection that we can truly live and be forgiven for our sins. Christ told his disciples that he must die for the sins of man (Matthew 16), it was even foretold in the Old Testament in Isaiah that a Savoir would come as a sacrifice for our sins (Isaiah 53). Because of that Jesus had to die otherwise we would have no hope of forgiveness. So if that is the case why would Jesus forgive us for killing him? It is by killing him that we can even be forgiven. Yes it is true that we really cannot kill Jesus without him willingly giving up his life but it is the act of sacrifice on our part that shows our faith.
In the Old Testament sacrifices God never delivered a dead animal for sacrifice, it was up to the Jews to take a live animal and kill it, it was by the act of killing they showed their faith in forgiveness. When Jesus came and Pilot and the Romans (and Jewish leaders) did not kill him and he came to each of use with a dagger would we pierce him as a sacrifice? The answer should be yes, as Abraham was willing to kill Isaac with Faith that God would prevail we should be willing to kill Jesus as a sacrifice with faith that through his death he would rise again and rid us of death deserving of our sins. You see Jesus only dies by giving up his life but he does not die without our act of offering the sacrifice with faith in what he says will happen through that sacrifice.
C.S. Lewis I believe is a modern day Paul, the things he wrote while he walked the Earth were so inspired by God I am in awe every time I read them. His fiction (non-fiction) fantasy and his non-fiction writing are simply awe inspiring. He both walked in atheism better than most, as did Paul, and walked in Christ better than most, as did Paul. C.S. Lewis said “Either Jesus was and is the Son of God or else a madman or something worse” what he means is Jesus has to be either the savior or a crazy man. I believe the ones who killed Jesus (physically tortured and put him on a cross which lead to his death) on that fateful day believed him to be a lunatic (madman) and not the savior. For this Jesus was heartbroken and wanted forgiveness because they killed him not knowing that he is the Savior, the Son of God.
If Jesus came today and we had to use the dagger ourselves to offer him as a sacrifice for our sins it would be his hope that we do it with faith that our actions would lead to his resurrection and the ultimate forgiveness of our sins. Unfortunately that was not the reason that the Jews of the day killed Jesus, they mockingly killed him as the king of the Jews a raving lunatic.

So how do we do our part in the sacrifice, if we did not have a chance to offer Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins believing he is the Son of God Savior of mankind, because we were not there that Good Friday so many years ago? It is through what Jesus said in Luke 9:23, we are to deny ourselves and pick up our cross daily. To pick up our cross means, die. By dying to ourselves we allow Jesus to take control, the Jesus who is the Son of God the savior of mankind, not the raving lunatic. It is this act of death that shows our faith that by death Jesus has the power to resurrect our lives in him. It is sad that life had to come to death but that is the wages of sin and humankind chose sin. But we have a God who does not let the story stop there, he offers himself as a sacrifice for those sins. That sacrifice is not without acting on our part, we have to be faithful and like Abraham and so many before us we have to do the killing to acknowledge our part in our choice of sin. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Violating Children

If someone was to violate your children would you sit back and say "that is just the way they are we should just let that person continue to violate my child." No sober parent in their right mind would react that way. At least the parent would get their child out of harm's way. They would protect their child to death to keep them from seeing pain and torment. Once the child is protected the parent would most likely try to keep that person from violating other children by imprisonment or something worse.

Look at our church today... we are children of Christ and we are allowing ourselves to be violated. Sin is no longer something we draw a hard line against (a line that was placed by God not man) instead we encourage sin, we rationalize sin, we pamper it and coddle it, we "tolerate" it, we avoid the topic in the hopes of having unification.

In a group I attend we are 30 minutes into a 12 hour series called the truth project by Dr. Tackett. I am sure some of you have heard of it, so far it is amazingly profound. Dr. Tackett rightfully relates Truth to God and Lies to the Devil (sin). Truth does not unite it divides. It divides sin from truth, lies from truth, liars from the saved. I have been struggling with how does one hate the sin and love the sinner because when sin is present it wants to destroy truth (though it can't) and it wants to run and hide when it realizes it can't destroy truth. There is a saying truth hurts, do you know why, if you have lived you know why truth hurts. Truth goes against the human nature to sin. They are in direct competition when there is a heated battle there is no unification. The church has to stand up against sin, you see we did not create right and wrong, sin and truth, God did! We are not standing up for what we created but what God the creator of all did.... The world makes its rules to create unity, unity of sin and truth. The world wants to blur truth and sin (which like oil and water can not mix!) so that we can all be "unified."

I am convinced that in this world we will not see peace as the world thinks we will. The world views peace as no fighting, no right and wrong, no dividing of families, no sides at all just one big junk pool of people so confused they don't know what is what. That type of peace does not exist the peace that Jesus brought to the world is the peace that transcends all understanding. Peace that even though we are broken people there is hope, the hope that through Christ we will live, it is by Him we are saved. That peace can not be achieved by man.

Now I am not advocating that we picket gay parades, spit on child molesters, hate those who divorce, avoid the drug abuser, and so on. What I am saying is that if the church starts to look like the supreme court trying to find a way to make everything okay and legal then we are headed in the wrong direction fast. The church should be in trouble with the news for taking a stand. They should look like a group of people that are different, that takes a stand, that holds to the Truth. The church should be hated by the world. Not hated for being cruel to people but hated for siding with the Truth. Christ was not popular with the world, in fact he was hated. However there has never been one more full of love for mankind, even the kind that hated Him. We as a church and as a people still have so much to learn. To balance siding with Truth and love for all. Wow!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

when science is god

Science is god when Global warming is more important than spiritual warming.

Man is ignorant enough to invent a global condition that man "caused" and only Man can solve. You see in this thinking God (and nature for that matter) is not needed not affecting not involved not a part of the equation. Just as man wants things. We caused we are going to solve it. What if "it" does not exist (you see just saying that is modern heresy. I don't think global warming is caused by man and I am not even convinced it exists.  There has never been any order or reason for weather, we get small pockets that seem to be close in structure and call that the norm, you see the norm is never the norm every time I have moved (over 17 times) each place I go people say this weather is not the normal weather... hummm every time... hummm

Science is god when Doctors "save" lives and Christ is not an option...

I have always heard that doctor saved my life. That is a lie. Doctors can not save lives. They can simply prolong living. You will still die I guarantee it. And without Christ your soul is at risk. God bless the doctor that preaches to the soul and heals the body. But the body will fade it is the soul that matters. Only Christ saves lives.

Science is god when study of animals far out weighs the study of faith.

A person gets brutally attacked by an animal and instead of praising God for another day (the animal did not kill them), they say I love that animal now I am going to become an advocate for that species and go around the world prolonging the existence of those creatures. We are watching shark week on discovery. People after people get attacked by sharks (overall the percentage is small but I still don't like the ocean) and each one gets interviewed and they are like " I still love the ocean and have no hard feelings to the shark, I am now going out around the world spending my whole life saving those creatures from man". Many of the victims that are young now are devoting their lives to marine biology. How come "acts of God" don't turn people to God. Instead people say get "attacked" by God and they turn their back and hate Him... they should turn their life to Him and study God when he attacks....

Science in God when this blog is band from schools but I evolved from a fish is truth

enough said

Science is God when science is the authority and God is a myth...

Science has not created, discovered, invented, logged, studied a damn thing that was not already created by the creator of all... God!

Man is surprised by what he finds on earth, God is not. Man is only figuring out what God already has figured out. Science discovered a new species of what ever, God already knew about that and He is probably pretty tickled when we find it and get excited about the find. God put things on earth for that exact purpose. He wants us to explore discover find joy in learning. The earth is beautiful and God made it that way. God is not mild, meek, boring, or stable. That is all evident by His creation. Why is man taking the creator out of the world and replacing with Science. Why are Christians not seeing that? Instead of yeah how can we combat "global warming" all knowing and wise Al Gore... why don't we say, well so what if there is or is not Global warming we are not in control of this powerful creation but I follow the one that is, let me tell you about Him. Because the one that created this world has told us that it will come to an end.... but I am not focused on that I am focused on the ones living now so they might live for always! and by the way Science will not change that, only Christ has power over living and dying. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Awake the Dead

I have come to the conclusion we need to live with our hearts and minds wide open. Never swaying to God's word and direction but open for love and open for freedom in the Spirit. If you live with your heart open and have a closed mind you miss valuable opportunity to witness and shut those who need love the most out of your life. If you live with just your mind open and close your heart you don't live at all. What good is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul? You see no matter how much you learn how much you "know" you will never NEVER live if you don't open your heart (soul). Christ wants us to be His he is calling us to him both heart and soul. He wants smart (sharp as serpents) but true knowledge comes from Him so he wants us knowledgeable in Him and his ways. That being said you should be knowledgeable in the world too so you can be prepared for what comes your way.

This came to mind this morning as I was listening to my Christian screamo (hardcore) music. I got to thinking about "church" music and how boring and slow it is. If most "church" people heard my music they would think I am satanic because my music has some hearty guitar rifts, loud screaming (and beautiful singing), and powerful bass. I got to thinking where in the world did people start to think that is satanic music? Is it because some people in the church don't get the music? possibly. I hope it is just a taste issue and not a "right and wrong" issue. There is nothing wrong with slow boring Christian music just as there is nothing wrong with powerful screamo Christian music. We have to have an open mind to all "likes" for we are a colorful diverse creation of our Lord. We were not all created equal or equally pleased (artistically). I like hip hop and hardcore because I see power and truth in both. I feel empowered and joyful hear this type of music. If people take time to listen to the lyrics they will find that they talk of some powerful truths and discuss some very tough topics and struggles. It is very honest music. Having an open mind to music style also requires an open heart because not all screamo is worth a listen or a Christian's time. There is some very evil and disgusting music out there but it is not just hardcore heavy metal, have you listened to the radio lately, unfortunately I have to at work. That "music" is slow and boring but if you listen to the lyrics it is enough to make your skin crawl. And to think our youth know every word and from what I see with teen pregnancy and total lack of respect for anyone but themselves they believe every word of that music!

In conclusion live life with the beautiful combination of heart and mind. Don't close one off to highlight the other. You will never fully live if you close one and open the other. You have to have a beautiful balance of open heart and mind so you can love and love fully. Live in Christ, Love in Christ, Die in Christ, and you will Live with Christ.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The God of Fire

So I was watching a TV show the other night and something kind of irritated me. One of the characters of the show said it is silly that people believe in an "invisible" God referring to Christianity. I know he is a character on a show and is scripted what to say but that comment is all to prevalent in our American society. Because we are blessed with "peace" in this country and more people than not have "comfortable" lives and the only real "worry" we have is an economic down turn we think we don't need God and that we are good on our own. Sad.

Anyway to believe God is invisible is crazy, He is far from invisible. We stupid humans think that the only things that exist are the things we can see with our eyes. Let me tell you why that is stupid... fart, you smell it? can you see it? does it exist? hummm... Okay don't like that example well here is another one, for you married folk out there explain to me the joy of sex, bet you can't. You know the joy when you have it but you are hard pressed to really get to the root of that joy until you have it yourself. You see in sex ed (if that is what you want to call it) they tell you about the physical interaction between a man and woman but they can never, nor can you, really explain the emotional wonderfulness of sex. The bond between a man and woman that can not be explained and is enjoyed differently if you are a man or if you are a woman.

God is far from stupid, He is 100% the opposite of that. God is wonderful and is the perfect designer. Much like the above mentioned physical act, you can not fully and completely explain the joy of knowing the Creator through Jesus to someone else. You see it is an unexplainable joy. You can see it in others, you can see evidence of it, you can read about it, but until YOU have it you will never ever understand how you can not live without it! The best part about Joy found in Christ is that it will last forever... sorry guys I don't think the above mentioned physical act with your wife will even have that lasting effect but don't worry God's is better!

Back to the invisible God syndrome. What I find funny in a sad way is that the people who believe God is invisible (because they refusing to experience His Joy) and want God to be visible here on Earth at this moment are the very people who would be eternally destroyed if that were to happen. I was reading Hebrews this morning and in Hebrews 12 the last words are: GOD HIMSELF IS FIRE! You see it is funny that people who have not become one with God want to see God thus they would be destroyed. Because if God does not know you, (meaning if you have not accepted Him as your savior and only accepted yourself as your own savior) you will be destroyed. God does not want people who don't want Him and he needs to make room for those that do. It is crazy how people fear evil, the devil, and murderous humans. However NONE of those can ever destroy you, did you hear me, not even the devil has the power to destroy you! Why do you think God says to fear Him? God made you (or allowed you to be made, that is another discussion) He is the only one who has power to save you or destroy you. Humans are Stupid to run around thinking themselves great, you can not destroy or save yourself, and they try to hide from God by thinking God is "invisible". You see that God you don't think exists is doing you a great favor by shielding Himself from you at the moment. God is not hidden. He is present in Spirit because that is the only way our frail dying bodies can experience Him. He knows this, that is why he is not fully present. No Human eye can ever see God in his full form or we will be destroyed by his Fire! We see Him in full form when we enter His kingdom by the Grace and Mercy of Jesus the Christ.

People want a world without Evil. Well it exists, not here, but through Jesus it exists. Those who enter that kingdom do so through death by the Grace of Jesus. This World will be destroyed by the coming of God, fear not skeptics it is coming. But your job right now is to be ready. Get ready by knowing God. If you shut up, quite down, listen, and ASK you will hear, see, and experience God. He will enter you through Spirit and you will experience the Joy that can not be explained only experienced!


Friday, February 4, 2011

The Puzzle

All people are created equal is NOT true! Is that cruel to say? no it is factual. You see if we were all created equal we would be a miserable bunch of copycats. We would all have the same edges the same looks the same talents the same "rights" and we would not fit together at all. We would be exactly the opposite of what God wants we would be individuals instead of community. There is a common theme in my writings because I believe it to be true, God is not stupid. Quite the opposite we are stupid in His comparison that is why we have to look to Him for answers not to ourselves.

My big question is where did we find non-equality something to be hated? C.S. Lewis writes (okay I really like the guy sue me) in his "Screwtape proposes a Toast" that it is the inferior that see inequality as a bad thing. The point is that when someone compares them self to another and sees something in someone else that they WANT they scream inequality!!!! Meaning it is not fair that person has something I don't, that makes us "unequal" and that is not fair, so thus they need to give that to me so we both have it. Do you see his point it is not a matter of equal or not it is a matter of "haves" and "have nots".

Since I am stuck on themes there are several themes in the Bible that point to being content in not only what we have but who we are, seeing the usefulness in both and using it! We are not created equal that is evident, some created rich, some poor, some healthy, some sick, some strong, some weak, some "pretty" some plain, some American, some not... It is NOT in the commonalities that we find community, Christian community, it is in our differences. Equality is a joke, it is system of thinking created to take from others not to give to others. The rich do not look at the poor and say, wow they are not equal we should give half of what we have to them. The intelligent don't look at the simple and say "boy I wish they were as smart as I", The strong don't look at the weak and say let me spend all my days with them until they are as strong as I am (unless of course they are fitness instructors charging a fee, but that is not the point).

The point of all of this is the puzzle pieces fit together when you put everyone together in love, not envy. The simple minded are often spiritually strong and can offer that to the "intelligent" who at times lack spiritual strength. The strong can offer a hand to the weak, the weak can offer humility to the strong. Physically handicap are more often than not full of joyous living and that can offered to a world stuck on physical living. You see it is not in our likeness that we fit together it is in our differences our unequal parts, like a puzzle we are carved out to look different, act different, love different, feel different, but when you step back and put the pieces together AS they are they fit, they make a whole, they make community. So stop trying to make everything equal, stop trying to make it the same, and start trying to put it together in love.