Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Awake the Dead

I have come to the conclusion we need to live with our hearts and minds wide open. Never swaying to God's word and direction but open for love and open for freedom in the Spirit. If you live with your heart open and have a closed mind you miss valuable opportunity to witness and shut those who need love the most out of your life. If you live with just your mind open and close your heart you don't live at all. What good is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul? You see no matter how much you learn how much you "know" you will never NEVER live if you don't open your heart (soul). Christ wants us to be His he is calling us to him both heart and soul. He wants smart (sharp as serpents) but true knowledge comes from Him so he wants us knowledgeable in Him and his ways. That being said you should be knowledgeable in the world too so you can be prepared for what comes your way.

This came to mind this morning as I was listening to my Christian screamo (hardcore) music. I got to thinking about "church" music and how boring and slow it is. If most "church" people heard my music they would think I am satanic because my music has some hearty guitar rifts, loud screaming (and beautiful singing), and powerful bass. I got to thinking where in the world did people start to think that is satanic music? Is it because some people in the church don't get the music? possibly. I hope it is just a taste issue and not a "right and wrong" issue. There is nothing wrong with slow boring Christian music just as there is nothing wrong with powerful screamo Christian music. We have to have an open mind to all "likes" for we are a colorful diverse creation of our Lord. We were not all created equal or equally pleased (artistically). I like hip hop and hardcore because I see power and truth in both. I feel empowered and joyful hear this type of music. If people take time to listen to the lyrics they will find that they talk of some powerful truths and discuss some very tough topics and struggles. It is very honest music. Having an open mind to music style also requires an open heart because not all screamo is worth a listen or a Christian's time. There is some very evil and disgusting music out there but it is not just hardcore heavy metal, have you listened to the radio lately, unfortunately I have to at work. That "music" is slow and boring but if you listen to the lyrics it is enough to make your skin crawl. And to think our youth know every word and from what I see with teen pregnancy and total lack of respect for anyone but themselves they believe every word of that music!

In conclusion live life with the beautiful combination of heart and mind. Don't close one off to highlight the other. You will never fully live if you close one and open the other. You have to have a beautiful balance of open heart and mind so you can love and love fully. Live in Christ, Love in Christ, Die in Christ, and you will Live with Christ.

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