Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Violating Children

If someone was to violate your children would you sit back and say "that is just the way they are we should just let that person continue to violate my child." No sober parent in their right mind would react that way. At least the parent would get their child out of harm's way. They would protect their child to death to keep them from seeing pain and torment. Once the child is protected the parent would most likely try to keep that person from violating other children by imprisonment or something worse.

Look at our church today... we are children of Christ and we are allowing ourselves to be violated. Sin is no longer something we draw a hard line against (a line that was placed by God not man) instead we encourage sin, we rationalize sin, we pamper it and coddle it, we "tolerate" it, we avoid the topic in the hopes of having unification.

In a group I attend we are 30 minutes into a 12 hour series called the truth project by Dr. Tackett. I am sure some of you have heard of it, so far it is amazingly profound. Dr. Tackett rightfully relates Truth to God and Lies to the Devil (sin). Truth does not unite it divides. It divides sin from truth, lies from truth, liars from the saved. I have been struggling with how does one hate the sin and love the sinner because when sin is present it wants to destroy truth (though it can't) and it wants to run and hide when it realizes it can't destroy truth. There is a saying truth hurts, do you know why, if you have lived you know why truth hurts. Truth goes against the human nature to sin. They are in direct competition when there is a heated battle there is no unification. The church has to stand up against sin, you see we did not create right and wrong, sin and truth, God did! We are not standing up for what we created but what God the creator of all did.... The world makes its rules to create unity, unity of sin and truth. The world wants to blur truth and sin (which like oil and water can not mix!) so that we can all be "unified."

I am convinced that in this world we will not see peace as the world thinks we will. The world views peace as no fighting, no right and wrong, no dividing of families, no sides at all just one big junk pool of people so confused they don't know what is what. That type of peace does not exist the peace that Jesus brought to the world is the peace that transcends all understanding. Peace that even though we are broken people there is hope, the hope that through Christ we will live, it is by Him we are saved. That peace can not be achieved by man.

Now I am not advocating that we picket gay parades, spit on child molesters, hate those who divorce, avoid the drug abuser, and so on. What I am saying is that if the church starts to look like the supreme court trying to find a way to make everything okay and legal then we are headed in the wrong direction fast. The church should be in trouble with the news for taking a stand. They should look like a group of people that are different, that takes a stand, that holds to the Truth. The church should be hated by the world. Not hated for being cruel to people but hated for siding with the Truth. Christ was not popular with the world, in fact he was hated. However there has never been one more full of love for mankind, even the kind that hated Him. We as a church and as a people still have so much to learn. To balance siding with Truth and love for all. Wow!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

when science is god

Science is god when Global warming is more important than spiritual warming.

Man is ignorant enough to invent a global condition that man "caused" and only Man can solve. You see in this thinking God (and nature for that matter) is not needed not affecting not involved not a part of the equation. Just as man wants things. We caused we are going to solve it. What if "it" does not exist (you see just saying that is modern heresy. I don't think global warming is caused by man and I am not even convinced it exists.  There has never been any order or reason for weather, we get small pockets that seem to be close in structure and call that the norm, you see the norm is never the norm every time I have moved (over 17 times) each place I go people say this weather is not the normal weather... hummm every time... hummm

Science is god when Doctors "save" lives and Christ is not an option...

I have always heard that doctor saved my life. That is a lie. Doctors can not save lives. They can simply prolong living. You will still die I guarantee it. And without Christ your soul is at risk. God bless the doctor that preaches to the soul and heals the body. But the body will fade it is the soul that matters. Only Christ saves lives.

Science is god when study of animals far out weighs the study of faith.

A person gets brutally attacked by an animal and instead of praising God for another day (the animal did not kill them), they say I love that animal now I am going to become an advocate for that species and go around the world prolonging the existence of those creatures. We are watching shark week on discovery. People after people get attacked by sharks (overall the percentage is small but I still don't like the ocean) and each one gets interviewed and they are like " I still love the ocean and have no hard feelings to the shark, I am now going out around the world spending my whole life saving those creatures from man". Many of the victims that are young now are devoting their lives to marine biology. How come "acts of God" don't turn people to God. Instead people say get "attacked" by God and they turn their back and hate Him... they should turn their life to Him and study God when he attacks....

Science in God when this blog is band from schools but I evolved from a fish is truth

enough said

Science is God when science is the authority and God is a myth...

Science has not created, discovered, invented, logged, studied a damn thing that was not already created by the creator of all... God!

Man is surprised by what he finds on earth, God is not. Man is only figuring out what God already has figured out. Science discovered a new species of what ever, God already knew about that and He is probably pretty tickled when we find it and get excited about the find. God put things on earth for that exact purpose. He wants us to explore discover find joy in learning. The earth is beautiful and God made it that way. God is not mild, meek, boring, or stable. That is all evident by His creation. Why is man taking the creator out of the world and replacing with Science. Why are Christians not seeing that? Instead of yeah how can we combat "global warming" all knowing and wise Al Gore... why don't we say, well so what if there is or is not Global warming we are not in control of this powerful creation but I follow the one that is, let me tell you about Him. Because the one that created this world has told us that it will come to an end.... but I am not focused on that I am focused on the ones living now so they might live for always! and by the way Science will not change that, only Christ has power over living and dying.