So there is a theory that Christians are weak, wimps, losers or some other demeaning term. I would like to explore that theory and see if we can come to a conclusion it is correct or false. My initial thoughts are yes one must admit they are weak in order to fully let God take over their lives. We find many references in the Bible backing this claim of weakness. Is that where Christians stay do they just crumble into God and become nothingness. I think not.
Claiming oneself as a Christian means that one is living in Christ or better said Christ is living in them. One thing that needs to remain clear throughout any discussion on God is that it has to be preceeded with the thought that the Creation does not define the Creator! The Creator defines the creation. That being said we can not define what God is, He can only define what we are. To get to God's definitions we have several sources, one is the written Word of God, next is confirmation through the Spirit of God living and moving in us, lastly I do fully believe that God uses His own creation to define Himself to His Creation. Trippy huh. God created us so that we could know Him and by knowing Him we could be come whole and we become whole through Him and only through Him. See Paul was on to something when he said that nothing happens that God does not let happen, we only live because he lets us live! God is the one who gives Meaning!
So back to the statement or theory that God's people Christians are weak. Here are some points to consider: is it the weak or the strong who: Say no to temptation, who die to themselves, give up all, take on the cross daily, allow God to lead... the Strong. You see it is far easier to just give into this life lay down and die in your sin. It is far more difficult to fight, stand up to sin, and die to self. But here is the rub... we are all human and in that too weak to stand up to sin and fight off evil. We can't do it.... WITHOUT GOD! The weak who admit they are weak, surrender all to Christ and let Him lead are the only ones who are strong. No strength exists that God does not give. We can not live on our own we have to die to self and live in Christ. It is through Christ that we get the strength to run the race, to fight the good fight, and to live forever. Heaven (the place we spend enternity with Christ) is not going to have any weak people in it, it can't. All the weak do is drag down the strong or drag down the weak who are too prideful to become strong. It takes a strong person to live forever it takes a strong person to live this life fully alive. Some have seen glimpses of life lived fully and they fear it as they fear the One who created it and they run scared to death into the arms of death. How they can do this is beyond me. The day I realized I was weak I longed for the One who could make me strong and He answered my call in a milisecond.
Many people love to lie. In fact the master of the lie (Satan) loves to teach people how to lie. One of the biggest lies of all is that we who run to the One who gives strength are weak. Yes we are as we approach but once we are in God's loving arms we are never weak again. You see the theory of Christians are weak is wrong but at the same time half right. Just because something starts weak does not mean it stays that way, a body builder did not come out of his or her mother with buldging muscles (if they did I will sincerely pray for that mother) they got them some how. In the case of muscles it is always through hard lifting and devotion to exercise. But for true strength, strength to look death in the face and say "you have nothing for me," that is only for the Christians and only through Christ!!
In closing, think of God as a mirror. If we really as Christians live full of Christ then we become a mirror to those who look at us. If we are a mirror then what the world sees when they look at us they see weak people, they see themselves. It is not until they allow God to fill them that they can look at God (the mirror) and see God who is full of strength. Not until you reflect God's glory do you become strong and look strong. God's reflection can only reflect goodness and strength and when the weak look upon it in their weakness they only see their weakness.
Don't let the word lie to you anymore, wake up, get up, and kneel down to the One who wants to make you whole and in that wholeness make you strong.
Great points. "Some have seen glimpses of the life lived fully, and they fear it ..." So true. Perception is huge when it comes to weakness. In our selfish, prideful world, strength is too often viewed as doing anything it takes to get to the top. The top of what? Christians have a different top than the rest of the world, which probably makes the strong/weak argument so relative.